Speed for All is a membership program that provides free family or individual memberships to anyone for whom cost is a barrier of access into the museum. Speed for All is an important part of inviting everyone to the Museum, one of the fundamental elements of our mission. Through Speed for All we can significantly expand our reach within the city, diversify our audience, and create programming for a wider range of communities.
It is our goal that Speed for All memberships help to make the Museum a place where we invite everyone to celebrate art forever.
Your benefits as a Speed for All Member are for two adults and all children under 18. Benefits include the following:
● Free admission to the Museum, including major exhibitions
● Four free Speed Cinema vouchers
● Free admission to All Lecture Series, including Global Speed, Leight, and Shands
● 5% discount in the Museum Store
● Discounted admission on select Museum programs
For questions and to apply, please contact, Membership Coordinator, Olivia Marcum at membership@speedmuseum.org.